

History of Belongington

Belongington was founded in 2011 in the minds of intelligent, young Primary School students who were searching for a place to truly belong.

Nestled in the Valley of Inclusion, at the foot of the Acceptance mountain range, what began as a small village has flourished into a thriving, self-sufficient town. The people of Belongington pride themselves on the inclusive nature of their community, and strive to provide opportunities for people of all backgrounds, regardless of their differences. The town slogan reads “Difference is our strength” and this ideal is evident in every little facet of the town.

In Belongington there is a place for everyone, you cannot help but feel like you belong when you visit this astonishingly impressive and inspirational town.

The Library

The Library

Reading is a very popular pastime in Belongington as it is a great form of learning and a medium for exposing us to other cultures and lives of people very different to our own.

As a class -   Set the class desks up like a library. Categorize students into interests eg. sport, art, music, science. Then alphabetical order.
                     Gather as many books in prominent places in the class as possible.
                     Extra reading to class and individual silent reading.

 Topic 1: Books about belonging.

Assessment - Write your own story about belonging and acceptance from your own experience. Best stories will be displayed in the school newsletter and posted on this web page.

Here is a link to a book about belonging called "Belonging".